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October 18, 2022
3-in-1 Quiz Night!
Remember all those lockdown quiz nights? Well, it’s time to get back to how they used to be with our first CPSL Mind quiz night with a chance to win some great prizes.

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December 10, 2019
CPSL Mind was extremely impressed with the quality of the cakes Fiona Cumberpatch served at her pop up café in Stamford last month, raising a very impressive £225 for the charity.
August 16, 2022
Local landlord and landlady, Andy and Jackie who run The Dolphin Pub in Melbourn, Royston, are organising a festival on 27/28/29th August 2022 called ‘Dol-fest’, with over 20 acts already booked in over the Bank Holiday weekend.
July 7, 2023
Peterborough Warriors and Nottingham Cyclones take to the ice for nail-biting charity match at Planet Ice Peterborough.
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