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October 21, 2019
Cambridge City shoots and scores for CPSL Mind
CPSL Mind was thrilled to be chosen as Cambridge City’s charity for the season, raising an impressive £1,327 from a bucket collection and charity auction.

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March 12, 2020
We were delighted to team up with Cambridge United Football Club on Saturday 29th February, as part of the national Mind and English Football League (EFL) #OnYourSide partnership, to raise £674.76 towards promoting positive mental health in our local community.
January 27, 2020
CPSL Mind were overwhelmed this weekend to receive an enormous cheque for £8,040.20 raised by the wonderful members of Elton Furze Golf Club.
March 16, 2020
For the second year running, Cam FM, the community radio station for students, staff and alumni of both Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin Universities, presented Speak Your Mind, a 24-hour radio broadcast to raise money for our work at CPSL Mind.
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