Being part of a community can have a positive effect on mental health and emotional wellbeing, that is why we want you to have your say and help shape Mental Health Services in your community.
Spring has certainly sprung and we are thrilled to open up applications for the Spring round of the Good Life Fund.
The period following discharge from hospital or community-based Crisis Team support can be a challenging time.
The Good Life Service is incredibly excited to announce the launch of the Waves Programme.
We’re delighted to announce that we will be working alongside The Lantern Initiative and local community partners to develop a new service focused on the wellbeing needs of pregnant women and new mums in our local Muslim community in Peterborough.
Whether you’ve accessed inpatient care yourself or have supported a loved one, we’re really keen to hear your ideas to help develop the care in place after discharge.
Details of our opening times between Monday 21st December 2020 and Monday 4th January 2021.
October 2020 marked one year since the official launch of our Good Life Service at Art and Soul cafe in St Neots and we took the opportunity to celebrate this birthday virtually!
(CPSL) Mind – have been announced as winners of the Best Targeted Mental Health Initiative award at the national ‘This Can Happen’ Awards for their suicide prevention training scheme aimed at GPs.
We’re thrilled to announce that we have been named winners of the 2020 national Mind awards in the category of ‘Service User Influence and Participation’ – and Highly Commended in the category of ‘Service Design and Innovation’.