Fay Belham, aged 53, has experienced periods of depression throughout her life and, in particular, severe postnatal depression after the birth of her twin boys in 2009.
Those of us who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or do not fit into traditional categories of gender or sexuality (LGBTIQ+) are statistically more likely to experience a mental health problem compared to the rest of the population.
We may have been physically apart during 2020 but we have still been there for each other and nothing illustrates this more than our Peer Support Groups at CPSL Mind which, like the majority of our services, have taken place online for much of this year.
Coronavirus and the isolation caused by social distancing have created numerous challenges for everyone’s mental health. At this time, finding new ways to make sure people get the support they need is more important than ever.
Becoming a new mum is a huge life event that can be both emotionally rewarding and challenging. Perinatal mental health issues affect up to 20 per cent of new and expectant Mums and here at CPSL Mind we offer essential support for those affected.
Sipping on a cup of tea, John Willock is chatting candidly about his experiences of mental health challenges, grief and suicidal thoughts – “I didn’t talk about it for years,” he says.
The experience of personality disorders can be alienating, causing people to have a distorted impression of themselves and their relationships with others. This can create a vicious cycle leading to more and more isolation.
The experience of anxiety can be highly isolating and uncertain, sometimes leaving people with the feeling that there is no solution to their condition. This can in turn lead to suicidal thoughts.