It goes without saying that the invaluable contribution of our volunteers plays a key role in our organisation and our community – making a huge difference.
Today we are celebrating the contribution of Gabbi De Boer who has been volunteering with us for 5 months. Gabbi volunteers as part of the Communications Team, creating content for social media posts, writing stories for the bi-monthly newsletter and supporting in numerous other ways. Gabbi has written her own piece about her time volunteering with us:
“Volunteering at CPSL Mind has benefited me in many ways. Not only have I gained key experience in a field I would like to work in one day, I have also joined a community of passionate people who feel the same way I do about mental health.
As a volunteer communications intern, some of my tasks involved making social media posts and writing copy to be published on our website. A lot of the posts I made were advice on mental health and how our services can help. I have always wanted to find a way to raise awareness on these issues and felt that by making these posts, I was helping others. Already familiar with the charity, I saw the advert on Facebook and knew this was the perfect opportunity to both gain experience and be able to help others. Social media plays a key role in everyone’s lives, and the communications team uses it in such a positive way that helps others gain access to the services they need.
What I also especially like about this role is that I can fit it around my university studies, and I feel really listened too by other members of the team. It’s really fulfilling to give some of my time to a cause I care about, and I’ve learnt a lot more about mental health as well as how effective social media can be to reach those that need help. I really enjoy this role and think that others should consider volunteering their time towards something they feel passionately for too.”
If you are passionate about mental health, we would love to have you join us in a volunteer role!