Donate to CPSL Mind
During 2022-23, we supported over 4,800 local people with their mental health, through one-to-one support, group activities and online support. Your donation will help us continue to be there for our community.
How your donation makes a difference
"Thank you to CPSL Mind for all your support. You have been a great help in my journey to better health mentally and physically. Six months on, I am now seeing my kids again, back at work and taking courses in mental health" - An individual from the Discharge Buddy Service.

Each year our range of services support thousands of local people with their mental health. From crisis support and peer support to informal opportunities to connect with others, we’re there for our community.

We provide local people, community groups and organisations with the skills and knowledge to support positive mental health. Last year, our expert team delivered mental health training to over 2,700 people.

Our STOP Suicide campaign reaches thousands of local people each year, tackling stigma and encouraging direct conversations about suicide which save lives.

Lots of local people volunteer with us to improve skills, make connections and even assist them on their road to recovery.