July 11, 2024

Ian’s long walk for mental health in aid of CPSL Mind

Having previously walked the equivalent of London to Qatar for the 2022 football World Cup, Cambridge United FC’s Ian Darler took on the epic mileage count of 1.2 million steps, 700 miles in aid of CPSL Mind.

Having previously walked the equivalent of London to Qatar for the 2022 football World Cup, Cambridge United FC’s Ian Darler took on the epic mileage count of 1.2 million steps, 700 miles in aid of CPSL Mind.


On Saturday 6th July, Cambridge United FC’s Stadium Manager/ Head Groundsman Ian Darler arrived back at the Cledara Abbey Stadium to cheers from supporters – his final few steps marked the close of his extraordinary fundraising journey.

Having previously walked the equivalent of London to Qatar for the 2022 football World Cup, Ian took on the epic mileage count of 1.2 million steps, 700 miles – virtually walking the distance from London to Berlin, the city hosting the Euro 2024 final. The completion of the challenge has raised an outstanding £7,625 for Cambridge, Peterborough and South Lincolnshire (CPSL) Mind to date.

The final steps

A group of 12 people joined Ian on his final walking stretch on 6th July, and despite it feeling more autumnal than a balmy summer’s day (with the rain thrashing down and the rowers on the River Cam deserting their boats to dry off), there was a sense of determination amongst the group to keep going along the river path. As we passed over Stourbridge Common and navigated the side streets of central Cambridge, the group continued to march on and were all smiles, even at the end. Ian has supported his community over the last few months, and there’s a reason why so many people have joined him on his series of challenge walks.

Kevin Jenkinson is one of those people. Speaking to CPSL Mind after the final steps had been completed, he said, “This is the fourth walk that I’ve done with Ian, and I think it’s really good how he supports CPSL Mind. As a season ticket holder at Cambridge United FC, I’m really keen to support the wider community and support Ian who puts in such hard work at the club. I like going for walks and it’s a chance to meet other Cambridge FC fans and meet other people. It’s also been great to find out more about CPSL Mind and the work the charity does to support people. I’ve really enjoyed it.”

A personal connection

Ian began his incredible virtual walking challenge in March 2024 and has completed well ahead of his target finish date of 14th July (Euro 2024 final). Ian clocked up a fair few steps during his working day at the stadium but also completed walks is his own time. And he didn’t let the challenging summer weather conditions halt his progress.

The driving force behind Ian’s fundraising walk, and wishing to support CPSL Mind, is his own previous battles with mental health challenges and how, through the telling of his story, the ongoing support he offers to others. “Having personally had depression and PTSD I appreciate how important it is to get help and support and to be able to talk to people about how you are feeling,” Ian explained.

“Since my recovery and publication of my book ‘Life’s A Pitch’ and writing the chapter Life Changing, I have been approached by several people who had been struggling in silence with their own mental health problems and thankfully I have been able to help them in a small way and they are now currently also in a much better place. I just wish I had told people how I was feeling sooner as things do get better when you talk, and I now talk openly about my mental health, and it is becoming a normal thing to do.”

A team of supporters

Ian’s colleagues at Cambridge United FC have been totally astounded by his continued charitable work. Assistant Groundsman at Cambridge United Carl Badcock said, “Everything that Ian does for charity is so good. If there is anything that I can do along the way to help him, then I will. It’s good to get outside and in the fresh air and have a chat with people. Ian is regularly on the phone taking calls and messages from people to support them with their mental health. There are always people coming up to him at Cambridge United FC – he’s like a magnet for people now. It’s fantastic to be supporting Ian.”

Cambridge United FC fans shared messages of support ahead and throughout the challenge and think what Ian has achieved is “absolutely amazing” and would offer words of encouragement such as “keep going Ian, you’ve got this!” Fans can’t believe how much money he has raised.

Making a difference

Sitting in the stadium stands and reflecting on the challenge and his fundraising achievements, Ian Darler told CPSL Mind, “It’s great to finish the walk from London to Berlin. It’s amazing that we had so many people turn up on 6th July in what has been awful weather conditions. I’m really pleased to have hit the target of £7,500 for CPSL Mind, which I know will make a massive difference to so many people. Everyone must make sure that if they are struggling, that they tell somebody. There is help out there and it can make a massive difference to you personally and your family. I would like to thank CPSL Mind who have supported me throughout the challenge and thank you to everyone who has donated.”

Thank you from CPSL Mind

Ian hopes that the completion of his walking challenge will prompt companies and individuals to start the discussion about mental health in their workplaces and homes, a hope shared by CPSL Mind’s Fundraising and Communications Manager Gary Sutcliffe.

“We are so grateful to Ian for everything that he has achieved over the last few months. His sheer determination and commitment to support CPSL Mind and to support his local community continues to astound us and we can’t express our thanks and gratitude enough for all his hard work.” said Gary.

“Our services have a very real impact on the lives of local people, organisations and groups so please do support Ian if you can. And please do look out for your family and friends and check when they say they are ok, that they are really ok”.

If you would like to support Ian’s walk please visit his just giving page.

Visit the CPSL Mind fundraising page to start your fundraising journey with CPSL Mind.

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