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October 21, 2019
Supermax Healthcare raise £3,131 for CPSL Mind
CPSL Mind was extremely impressed when Peterborough based, Supermax Healthcare, a manufacturer of disposable examination gloves raised over £3,000 in recognition of World Mental Health day which took place on 10th October.

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January 27, 2020
CPSL Mind was delighted this week to receive a wonderful cheque for £450 from the Fenland Farmers Lodge 9933. The money was raised through a variety of fundraising events during 2019.
July 31, 2020
The JM Cambridge Fundraising team undertook a week of activities from 22nd-26th June with games and raffles to encourage donations.
April 7, 2021
We were delighted when local estate and letting agents, Sharman Quinney made a wonderful donation of £1,580, raised from a raffle at their Top Achievers Awards night, held virtually on 6th February 2021.
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