March 27, 2023

The Good Life Fund helps connect a community 

Thanks to local resident Paul Tretheway, and The Good Life Fund, the mental wellbeing of a community greatly improved during covid

Throughout lockdown, many people in the Peterborough area found life tough – and Woodston was no different. But thanks to local resident Paul Tretheway, and The Good Life Fund, the mental wellbeing of the community greatly improved.

St Augustine’s Community Park in Woodston is normally a popular meeting place for local dog walkers and residents, but during Covid, the park became invaluable to locals, providing a socially distanced opportunity to maintain contact with their local community.

Thinking that a new park bench could act as a focal point at St Augustine’s to enhance the mental and social wellbeing of those in the area, Paul applied to CPSL Mind’s Good Life Fund, which offers grants of up to £1,500 for projects that help local communities. He was delighted when he discovered his application had been successful.

“The idea started because there was an old lady with her dog who was quite frail, and we thought a bench would help her,” says Paul. “But as lockdown continued, it became apparent that a bench might benefit everybody’s mental health.”

Since the installation of the bench, both elderly and those with disabilities can now benefit from the company of others, connect with the community, reduce isolation, and enjoy peace and tranquillity at other times.

“Several people who live alone would come to the park, as for a while this was the only time they got to go out,” continues Paul. “One lady who lived on her own at the time said she’d had few issues over the years, and it was the only time she got out and spoke to people.”

Local resident Tina began visiting the park – and its new bench – during the lockdown and admits it has helped her wellbeing. “It’s been beneficial coming here as there is a real sense of community,” she says. “It’s nice to meet different people from different walks of life.”

Another local dog walker agreed. “My mental health benefited from visiting the park because I live alone. Through the lockdown, I wouldn’t have spoken to anyone, so coming here regularly was beneficial for me. We were all socially distanced but still managed to at least talk to somebody that day and watch the dogs play as well. It was therapeutic.”

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